Ffg Star Wars Talent Trees

Ffg Star Wars Talent Trees

FFG Star Wars Talent Trees


FFG Star Wars Talent Trees are a way to customize your character in the Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars role-playing game. Talent Trees allow you to spend experience points in order to gain special abilities and bonuses that can help your character in the game. In this article, we will discuss the different Talent Trees available, how to use them, and some tips for getting the most out of them.

The Talent Trees

There are three main Talent Trees in the FFG Star Wars game: Combat, General, and Force. Each of these Talent Trees has a variety of talents that you can choose from, and each one offers different bonuses and abilities. The Combat Tree focuses on improving your character's combat abilities, such as increasing their damage and accuracy. The General Tree focuses on improving your character's non-combat abilities, such as increasing their social and diplomatic skills. Finally, the Force Tree focuses on improving your character's Force powers, such as increasing their ability to manipulate the Force.

How to Use Talent Trees

Using Talent Trees is simple. All you have to do is spend experience points to unlock talents in the Talent Trees. Each talent requires a certain amount of experience points to unlock, and some talents have prerequisites that must be met before they can be unlocked. Once you have spent the required amount of experience points, the talent is unlocked and you can use it in the game. Additionally, some talents can be upgraded with additional experience points, allowing you to further customize your character.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Talent Trees

Here are some tips for getting the most out of your Talent Trees:

  • Think about how you want to play your character and choose talents that will help you achieve your goals.
  • Be sure to look at the prerequisites for each talent before you spend your experience points.
  • Look for synergies between different talents, as they can be more powerful when used together.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with different talents, as you can always reset your Talent Trees and start again.


FFG Star Wars Talent Trees are a great way to customize your character and make them more powerful. By spending experience points, you can unlock powerful bonuses and abilities that can help your character in the game. Be sure to think carefully about how you want to play your character and choose talents that will help you achieve your goals. With a little bit of planning, you can make your character truly unique and powerful.